Steven Gordon 3: The Modloch Empire Read online

Page 5

  He guided her through to the living room. Rannalld ordered refreshments, but Mya only asked for water. She sat on the edge of an enormous couch and looked around the huge room. It was much cooler inside. The room was spartan, almost bereft of furniture apart from the large seats. The central wall was obviously some form of viewing screen. A small table was produced from somewhere and a huge glass of water placed in front of Mya.

  ‘Thank you.’ Mya had to use both hands to lift it and the servant stared in horror at the contrast.

  Her eyes sought out the only decorative piece in the room. A large statue of the Emperor. ‘Is that the statue you all dropped when you were drunk?’

  Rannalld who had also been staring turned his head and suddenly burst out laughing. ‘That is the replacement.’

  ‘Yes of course. You all glued it back together and made a mess of it. In panic you decided to simply order another from the sculptor.’

  Rannalld was still laughing at the memory, ‘It was Gairloch’s house warming. Would you like to see the original?’

  ‘You still have it?’

  ‘It is hidden in the cellar. Come.’

  Mya followed him down. The cellar was well stocked and almost full. Behind the many wine racks, hidden under a dust cover, stood the statue. Rannalld whipped it off with a flourish and the two of them howled with laughter at the sight. In the end it had turned into a competition to see who could make the statue of their elder brother more hideous.

  ‘I swear if he ever saw this we would all be exiled.’

  ‘Gairloch said he never had the heart to get rid of it. Anytime he felt a bit down he came down here, took the cover off, and had a good belly laugh.’

  ‘All of this, of course, was a gift from the Emperor. We all received one once we had passed military academy. We had got drunk in the officers mess and returned here; the statue was waiting by the door and we decided to simply carry it in. I’m still not sure who tripped, but the statue went tumbling. It is made from a very brittle stone and must have shattered into hundreds of pieces. To deface anything with the Emperor’s face on it is a serious crime – smashing a statue of him is a disaster. We were all much younger then and panicked. Gairloch sent out for a dozen packets of glue and we tried to piece it all back together.’

  ‘He told me you raided the cellar here and were each sitting with at least a couple of bottles of wine at your side.’

  Rannalld’s laugh echoed around the cellar. ‘That’s right, and the drunker we got the worse it got. We all fell asleep after it was finished. When we woke in the morning, we couldn’t believe what we had done. So we snuck it down here and ordered another. It cost us a pretty penny too.’

  ‘A secret shared among loving brothers.’

  Rannalld felt his heart soar, ‘It certainly is.’

  By the time the Emperor had replied, Rannalld had shown her around the house and the private garden. Mya thought she could have built four villages in the space.

  ‘You have to understand that everything belongs to the Emperor. We can decorate the house however we wish and the gardens are our own private affair. The rest of the land belongs to the Emperor and is none of your concern. Of course you are free to wander over it as much as you like. The boundaries of this estate are easy to see.’ He swept his hand round in a large circle. ‘They are bound by the hills you see surrounding us. There is a small villa on the edge of the mountains for when it gets too hot. We don’t have seasons as I understand you do on your planet but there are times when our sun goes through periods of higher activity. When this happens it can become quite unbearable at this latitude. That’s the best time to live in the highlands.’

  ‘The heat here doesn’t bother me. I lived in a jungle all of my life where the temperature was much hotter than it is here now. What bothers me most is the longer days. At home we have twelve hours of sunlight and twelve hours of darkness. Here it is eighteen hours of both.’

  ‘Ah, you mean Earth hours.’

  ‘Yes. What are those?’ She pointed to some strange plants that ran down the walls.

  ‘I did some research and the nearest Earth equivalent would be trees. They convert carbon dioxide into oxygen.’ He saw her frown. ‘Air you can breathe.’

  ‘Ah, I get it. I have heard people talk about that. I am afraid I have almost no education. To you I must seem a strange primitive.’

  Rannalld suddenly felt awkward, ‘Actually it doesn’t bother me. I find it somewhat refreshing.’

  She swished her hair, ‘In what way?’

  He hesitated a moment, ‘I’m not sure really. Maybe it’s because of the way you don’t try and hide it. You are completely forthright and honest. When you live within privileged circles, there are a lot of people who pretend to be something they are not. They try and deceive to curry favour. It is exactly the same if you are trying to deal with politicians. We live in a world of half-truths and shadows.’ He lifted his hands to indicate the estate, ‘There are Modloch that would kill to be in a position like you. Yet you do not feel you deserve such a position in life. I am beginning to see what it is my brother saw in you. Did you speak to him often?’

  ‘He invited me to dinner a few times. After the meal we would sit and talk.’

  ‘You mean he sat and talked.’

  Her laugh did strange things to his ears, ‘No, not all the time.’

  His wrist communicator beeped and he read the message. ‘The Emperor has denied your request. I am sorry Mya.’

  She looked round her, ‘I think he did this because he knew I had no home to go back to.’

  ‘What happened to your home?’

  ‘Not just my home: my family and people too. A nation called Japan invaded our islands. They were very cruel and harsh. Especially the officers. They acted like conquerors. They came through our village one day... one of them saw me and demanded that I be sent to his camp. I was frightened and my father decided to send me up to the chocolate hills to be with my great grandfather. None of us knew what would happen if we defied them.

  ‘They tortured my father and my people until someone revealed where I was. Then they shot them, murdered the whole village and burned it to the ground. They killed my grandfather when they found me as well as some of my cousins who were there. I was beaten and dragged back to his camp. They threw me in a hole in the ground for a few days. Then he came for me. He forced some of the camp women to bathe me and then I was supposed to submit myself to his lust. One of the women had left a knife lying and I had managed to grab it and conceal it under the clothes that they forced me to wear. They put me in his bedroom and left me there. He came in and sat down on a chair to take his boots off. He commanded me to remove them. I think that’s what he meant. I walked up and stuck the knife in his throat. As he fell to the floor I jumped out of the back window and ran into the jungle. I evaded them for days, but they caught me in the end. I was beaten and was being dragged back by my hair when we were abducted by the Albany.

  ‘When I finally returned to my village there was nothing left of it: a few sticks poking out of the ground, here and there the odd shard of pottery. The jungle had claimed the rest. I think maybe he visited my village before I did and discovered what I was to learn later. Maybe this is why he left his home to me.’

  ‘It sounds like Gairloch. He pretty much refused to believe anything until he saw it with his own eyes.

  Tears filled her eyes and ran freely down her face, ‘He was so kind, but why?’

  Rannalld was mesmerized by her tears, then felt an upswelling of emotion for his lost brother. They had always been close, always getting into trouble together. He touched the woman’s shoulder and she suddenly buried her face against him. A long mournful bellow escaped his throat.

  She stepped back and dried her tears, ‘I am so sorry.’

  He smiled at her in that manner they had, ‘It is OK Mya. Gairloch is greatly missed; but of all the things he did in his life, I think this is the most compassionate. Come back to the house. Let
us eat.’

  The meal laid down in front of them was inedible to Mya. She laughed at the big bowl of hay and the staffs’ eyes rolled in their head as Rannalld gave them a bollocking. She concentrated hard and laid her hand with the communicating device on the surface of the table. A few minutes later a steaming bowl of rice appeared and a few seconds later stir fried noodles and vegetables. The staff beat a hasty retreat and Rannalld was intrigued by the smells wafting across the table at him.

  ‘What is that?’ He inquired, ‘It isn’t meat is it?’

  ‘No, just stir fried vegetables and boiled rice. Rice is a staple, like grass is to you, and is normally eaten in the east and south of our planet, in the warmer climates. In the north and colder areas they normally eat a thing called potatoes. They are quite nice but I prefer rice. The noodles here are made from flour. That’s a type of grain.’

  ‘Oh! I was under the impression that you ate animals all the time. Grass is our staple but we also eat vegetables and some fruit.’

  ‘Would you like to try? I promise there is no meat.’

  He took out a small device. Mya had seen them before. The device told the owner if food was consumable and everyone had one. The food passed the test and she passed a little into a dish. Rannalld thought the rice was quite bland, but the flavours from the stir fried noodles exploded in his mouth. It was all he could do to stop himself from grabbing the bowl off her.

  He lowed comically, ‘Do you think you could ask for another bowl for me?’

  Laughing, she requested another bowl of the noodles and vegetables. The small bowl did little to appease his appetite so he finished off his meal with the hay that was before him. It started a conversation about food that lasted for hours. She told him she liked fish and he admitted that they had fish, however they never ate it. Instead they were caught in vast quantities and used as a natural fertilizer. He had no idea if she could buy any.

  She accused him of having double standards. They looked down their noses at Humans because they slaughtered animals for food. Yet they could slaughter millions of fish every year to fertilize their crops and nothing was said. The argument raged back and forth in a good-natured fashion for hours. He loved it when she won a point because she swished her hair and giggled.

  Eventually an urgent buzzing required his attention. He hadn’t realised how late it was. He answered it.

  ‘I am afraid I have to go now Mya. I have told them half an hour. Before I go I will show you the upstairs.’

  With a sense of urgency he took her up and showed her the master bedroom. It was almost as spartan as the rest of the house, but it was the bath that made her howl with laughter. She had never seen a bath so big.

  She escorted him to the door. He stood there shifting awkwardly for a moment. ‘I have enjoyed spending this day with you Mya. There is much more of the estate to see, and of course the villa in the mountains. As I have been tasked with showing you your new accommodation, I request that I be able to join you tomorrow, if you have no other appointments.’

  ‘I have as long as is needed.’

  ‘In that case I shall come around midday.’

  ‘I shall look forward to it Rannalld.’ She took his hand and placed it against her forehead.

  Somehow the gesture touched him deep inside. A servant closed the door and retreated. Mya was left alone and feeling overwhelmed.


  Mya concentrated hard and a few minutes later Komoru appeared at her side. Her head cranked round, trying to take in the grandeur of Mya’s new home.


  Mya laughed, ‘I have no idea what to do Komoru.’

  ‘Are you here alone?’

  ‘There are servants somewhere, but I have no idea where or how to call them.’

  ‘Show me round then.’

  A very quick and impromptu tour ended up in the large bathroom. Where Mya had laughed at the size of the bath, Komoru’s eyes simply glistened with delight.

  ‘How do you fill it?’

  ‘I have no idea.’

  It didn’t take long for Komoru to work it out and show Mya. As it began to fill, Komoru had an idea. Five minutes later Hailey and Amanda Freeling arrived. ‘Is this what you are looking for Komoru?’ Amanda held up a bottle of foam bath that she had never been able to use then saw the running water. ‘Oh my God!’

  ‘Yes please.’ Komoru laughed and Amanda proceeded to pour in the foam bath.

  They managed to work out how to call a servant and soon a pile of towels appeared. The female servant, although surprised by the appearance of the strangers, bowed low to Mya and left them to it.

  Within a very short period of time all four women were stretched out in the bath.

  The laughing faded out as the heat and the swirling water soothed their bodies.

  ‘Oh this is so good.’ Murmured Amanda.

  ‘It has been so long.’ Agreed Komoru.

  ‘Yeah.’ Was as much as Hailey could manage.

  The bath water didn’t get cold and so they stayed in until their skin began to wrinkle. A fresh bought of laughter ensued when they tried the towels. They were so large.

  Amanda wrapped herself in one of the towels. ‘This is sheer bliss.’

  ‘Isn’t it. These towels are so thick and soft,’ Hailey agreed. They had another laugh at the size of the bed and all jumped on.

  ‘Would you all like to stay the night?’ Mya ventured.

  ‘Thought you would never ask,’ Amanda laughed. ‘We can share this bed. It’s huge.’

  Babes and Ico sent down some personal items and they were soon sitting around in their night gowns and doing each other’s hair. Conversation drifted back to the problems they were having. Mya felt a bit left out as she had little idea of the technical issues they were discussing. She found the intelligence of these women intimidating –they weren’t silly little girls sitting around talking about boys. Although they never used their titles, Hailey and Komoru both had doctorates in their chosen fields, while Amanda was a first-rate medical doctor and a top field surgeon.

  Komoru, ever sensitive to the feelings of those around her, noticed Mya’s looming despondency and was smart enough to realise its cause.

  ‘Did you take food with you today Mya?’

  She immediately perked up, ‘No, they tried to feed me hay! Thankfully Cookie beamed me down some rice and stir fried noodles and vegetables. They were delicious. Even Rannalld loved them. I thought he was going to steal my bowl off me when I first gave him a taste.’

  The three women went quiet at the revelation. ‘Did you know that they are having problems coming up with a menu for this feast?’ Komoru asked her.

  Mya shook her head, ‘No, why would anyone tell me?’

  ‘Do you know if he is coming back?’

  ‘Rannalld? Yes, he is coming back tomorrow to continue the tour of the estate.’

  ‘Could I ask you to make Rannalld a test subject for Human food? It has been so hard to find Modloch who are willing to try it.’

  ‘I am not sure if that is proper. He was very concerned that there might be meat products in the food.’

  Komoru smiled, ‘We aren’t going to strap him down and force feed him Mya.’ They all laughed. ‘I suggest we send down a chef with as much fruit and vegetables as possible. You could ask him to taste things for us, to help us.’

  Mya giggled, ‘I am sorry, it just sounded so horrible.’

  ‘That’s true,’ admitted Amanda, ‘I mean who wants to be a test subject. Official food tester sounds a lot better.’

  Komoru laughed, ‘I am so bad. I am sorry Mya. I did not mean to sound so clinical.’

  ‘It’s OK. After this evening, I am sure he wouldn’t mind.’

  ‘We could send down Cookie?’ Komoru suggested.

  Mya’s face fell, ‘That might not be a good idea.’

  Their female senses rose to full alert. ‘Have you fell out with him Mya?’ Hailey asked.

  ‘No, but I think Rannalld likes m
e. If Cookie were here he would sense that we have feelings for one another.’

  ‘Uck!’ Ventured Hailey.

  Amanda shuddered, ‘You don’t like him do you?’

  Mya laughed, ‘I do like him, but I am not attracted to him.’

  ‘The Modloch are very territorial,’ mused Komoru. ‘If he does like you then Cookie arriving could very well upset him.’

  ‘We really need more than one chef anyway. There are many different styles of cooking on Earth. You should send down the best we have under Cookie’s charge. It would be better than just one man.’ Amanda suggested.

  ‘Of course,’ Komoru agreed, ‘and so many chefs would distract him and prevent him from becoming suspicious of Mya’s feelings for one.’

  Mya agreed, ‘If it helps I will do it.’

  They all thought it was a good idea and Komoru went through to the bathroom for some privacy as she talked to Steven about it. Within an hour a request had gone round the fleet and suggestions began flooding in. The duty to select the best was given to Cookie and he began to sift through his staff. It took him four hours of talking to different chefs on the intercom to make a decision on the dozen to take with him the following day. They were urged to take the best ingredients with them they could find. The following morning at six o’ clock they all gathered on-board Babes and were beamed down to Mya’s new residence.


  It had been a few days since Steven had pushed the panic button on the financial crisis and, despite hundreds of people working on the problem, still no solution had presented itself. Even the King had drawn a blank. The Emperor had simply side-stepped his questions, telling him not to worry about it.

  As the meetings became more secretive, Steven dismissed Charlie. Colonel Howe and Beaver had taken over the duty of escorting Steven around the fleet. Charlie had been glad of the break at first but soon became bored. It seemed that everyone was busy and had some other job to do in their down time. Everyone except for him. Kelly had been requested as an instructor by the commanding officer of a new contingent of troops that arrived just a few days ago.